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The Ministry of Agriculture studies and deploys key tasks for agricultural informatization in 2016

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The Ministry of Agriculture studies and deploys key tasks for agricultural informatization in 2016

pubdate:2016-01-27 00:00 source:http://m.wulongjie.com Click:

On January 19, the Agricultural Informatization Leading Group of the Ministry of Agriculture held a meeting to implement the decisions and deployments of the Central Rural Work Conference and the National Agricultural Work Conference on promoting agricultural informatization. The principles of the meeting passed the "Implementation Measures for the Global Agricultural Data Survey and Analysis System". "Internet +" Modern Agriculture Three-year Action Implementation Plan." Yu Xinrong, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and leader of the agricultural informatization leading group, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting believed that outstanding achievements have been made in agricultural informatization during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period.

The State Council has successively issued policy documents such as vigorously developing e-commerce, actively promoting the "Internet +" action, and promoting the development of big data policy documents. The Ministry of Agriculture has issued an action plan to promote the development of agricultural e-commerce, and synthetic ammonia manufacturers to promote the development of agricultural and rural big data. , The policy framework to support the development of agricultural informatization has basically taken shape; the agricultural Internet of Things test and demonstration project, agricultural e-commerce, cyanuric chloride information into villages and households, and agricultural information technology technology have taken solid steps to promote the transformation and upgrading of agriculture. Agricultural and rural economic development has made important contributions.

The meeting pointed out that the informatization of pesticide manufacturers is an important new force driving agricultural modernization. While affirming the achievements, it is necessary to clearly understand the huge challenges faced. Agricultural informatization is a complex system. Crops and animals are all living entities. Rural areas are different from The situation in cities and regions varies greatly. It is necessary to make overall plans for agricultural informatization work, highlight key points, coordinate advancement, and make full use of Internet thinking and technology. The key is to handle the relationship between the government and the market, the relationship between the central and local governments, and the relationship between the government and farmers and enterprises.

The meeting emphasized that the development concepts of innovation, coordination, greenness, openness, and sharing should be implemented in the entire process of promoting agricultural informatization in various industries and fields. In 2016, the following tasks should be focused on: First, strengthen the top-level design and accelerate Formulate the "13th Five-Year" agricultural and rural informatization development plan; second, continue to promote key tasks such as agricultural Internet of Things trial and demonstration, agricultural e-commerce, and information entering villages and households, and the information entering villages and households should be used as the agricultural department to promote agricultural e-commerce The third is to strengthen the informatization capacity building of rural subjects, organize and carry out training for government staff, agricultural cadres, and farmers in the application of informatization capabilities; fourth, prepare for the opening of the national "Internet +" modern agriculture and new farmers entrepreneurship innovation conference.

The meeting was presided over by Qu Dongyu, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, and Bi Meijia, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Director of the Personnel and Labor Department, attended the meeting.


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